Head |
Very hard, can hurt during
greeting, playing. Used for planning playtime, pushing nose into food,
looking pretty and little else. |
Eyes |
Dark, Expressive. Look soulful when watching humans eat.
Look innocent
accused of wrong doing. |
Ears |
Largish, floppy. Sensitive to kitchen sounds. Stone
deaf when being
summoned. |
Nose |
Wet, cold. Can wake you very suddenly early in the morning.
Can detect human food from an amazing distance. |
Mouth |
Large and Happy Looking. Everything goes into it.
Noises that come out of it can be hard on the ears. Good
for giving big sloppy kisses. |
Bite |
Sharp as little needles when teething on your
toes. |
Jowls |
Dense fluff. Designed to drench you after
drinking. |
Coat |
White. Depending on grooming, can range from fair-weather clouds
to wet-weather
doormat. |
Chest |
Deep, Proud-looking.

Can carry more dry leaves than an adverage rake. |
Belly |
Expansive. Always empty when human food is around, even when
they've just finished a bowl of the finest dog food available.
Excessively warm when on your lap more than ten
minutes. |
Legs |
Sturdy, muscular. Can turn to jelly at the sight of vet
or groomer. Rockets when blitzing and playing catch me if you can or
tag your it.
Feet |
Too delicate to walk on wet ground, rocky surfaces or upstairs,
they train their humans to carry them for those
Tail |
Fluffy, angel-like wisps of hair, capable of becoming hopelessly
Will tell you he's glad to see you.
lift or drop on command. |
Toys |
Always found on the floor, either by stepping on them or having
them deposited at your feet. Favorites usually
include your newest shoes. |
Heart |
Soooooo Big that no other compares.
Will love and be devoted to you until the end of
time! |