As our country continues to struggle through the challenges that the
coronavirus has created, we're navigating our way through the ever changing
situation along with everyone else.
In order to do our jobs with excellence, it's essential that we manage
our time well. We prioritize time for our faith, our family and close friends,
and we spend a tremendous amount of time dedicated to the care of our dogs
and puppies. We're also committed to the families who already have puppies
of ours to support them, when needed. And, along the way, it's important
for us to work in some time for rest and relaxation, too.
As the start of the new school year approaches, our family is faced with
the same concerns as many of you about what that will look like in the months
to come. In our immediate family, we have a high school teacher and coach
who loves his students and athletes, and very much wants to be safely back
on campus with the kids. We also have 5 young grade school aged children,
a 1 year old, and a baby that was born right at the onset of Covid-19. Our
county has been recently placed on the state's watch list and moved backwards
in ability to have an open environment.
Despite the back and forths of things opening and closing, we've had the
distinct pleasure of placing our puppies with families who are really grateful
to have a new baby during this time. Our process for safely selecting and
transitioning the little ones we've had during this pandemic has been wonderfully
successful. The Coton de Tulear and Havanese are by nature, extremely kind
and loving breeds. Over the years, we've found that people tend to seek dogs
that are much like themselves, so we feel extremely blessed that we get to
choose kind people to work with when deciding on homes for our pups.
We've made some great breeding decisions and are excited to be expecting
a few new litters to be born in the coming months. We will continue to
communicate updates as often as we're able, and encourage you to get connected
with us on our Facebook page:
Cornerstone Coton and

As the coronavirus situation continues to develop, our hearts and prayers
remain with those families who are affected. We know that many are suffering,
frustrated, and just hoping for some semblance of normalcy to emerge soon.
In spite of the hardships, we're finding a lot to be encouraged by, as well;
families are noticing the small things in life are among their greatest
blessings, and time with their loved ones is more precious than ever.
One of the bright spots we have the pleasure of seeing is that more and
more people are finding themselves with the opportunity to devote a
very focused time to a new puppy, and add some joyful fun to their home while
sheltering in place. It has also created a call volume greater than the busiest
holiday season we've ever experienced in over 30 years. We know there have
inevitably been calls or texts that we've missed or not responded to,
yet. Although we wish we could spend time visiting with everyone,
we've needed to make some adjustments to our process.
We've created
a call request list. To be help us return calls more quickly
and effectively, it's beneficial to have some information in advance. If
you would like to be added to this list, please complete our
Fact Sheet. We value your time and appreciate the extra effort it
takes to submit our forms. Families on this list will be prioritized for
call backs over voice mail or other messages.
We are accepting
reservations for our current and upcoming litters. If you're
ready to reserve your future puppy, you may do so by submitting our
Agreement. Families on our reservation list will be
moved to the top of our call list. When choosing a future puppy to be selected,
please also include our
Fact Sheet.
Completed agreements, and/or fact sheets, may be sent to:
Along with the rest of our nation, we've been monitoring
the coronavirus situation very closely. We've made some rapid and immediate
changes to protect the safety and well being of the families we work with,
and all of us here at Cornerstone.
We've had messages flooding
in from families who already have a puppy from us, some hoping for a second
or third little one, others just touching base to check in on us, and let
us know how they're doing, as well; we are so thankful for those contacts!
We're also hearing from friends of our CK families, and many other prospective
new puppy owners, too. This is a unique and challenging time for everyone,
but one thing is certain, puppies are joyful! It's no surprise to us that
families are hoping to welcome a new puppy to their home while they have
an abundance of time, and lots of love to give. We are doing our best
to respond to everyone, as quickly as we can. We will be accepting reservations
for our upcoming puppies, and will be posting more on our process modifications
very soon.
To our CK crew out there, please
keep the pictures coming! We've always loved seeing what our little ones
are doing in their new homes, and right now, more than ever, pictures of
puppy antics are a highlight in our days! We're praying for perfect peace,
good health, and safety for all.